WHAT IS A CLIP FILE? A clip file, sometimes called a morgue or a cemetary, is a collection of old gags and comic strips for use by cartoonists in constructing new gags. I've never had a clip file before, so I'm making a segment on the site here for perusal of what kind of work I like and what tickles my particular funny bone.
A list of some of the sources for this collection: Mike Lynch Cartoons | Newspaper Comic Strips Blog | Images & More Images on Tumblr | Kaz' Underworld
George Papp, 1940
Gene Carr, 1944
Charles Pearson, 1946
Mark Stamaty, 1946
Harry Lyons, 1947
John Albano, 1947
Virgil Partch, 1947
Irwin Caplin, 1948
Les Colin, 1949
Ted Key, 1949
Jerry Marcus, 1950
Martha Blanchard, 1950
A.F Wiles, 1951
Burr Shafer, 1951
Jerry Marcus, 1951
Clyde Lamb (from Herman), 1952
David Langdon, 1952
David Pascal, 1952
Chon Day, 1953
George Sprod, 1953
John Gallagher, 1953
Walter Goldstein, 1953
Ionicus, 1954
Rowland Wilson, 1954
Stan Fine, 1954
Dave Hirsch, 1955
Fred Lundy, 1956
Gardner Rea, 1956
Irwin Caplan, 1957
Irwin Caplan, 1957
Martha Blanchard, 1957
Bosc, 1958
Eric Burgin, 1958
Irwin Caplan, 1958
Roy Raymone, 1958
Ned Hilton, 1959
Joe Zeis, 1960
Jack Tippit, 1961
Richard Decker, 1962
Ben Wicks, 1963
Martha Blanchard, 1963
Orlando Busino, 1964
Charles E. Martin, 1964
Robert Weber, 1964
Al Ross, 1965
Frank Baginski, 1967
Michael Heath, 1969
Virgil Partch (from Big George), 1971
Virgil Partch (from Big George), unclear on date
Kaz (from Underworld, unclear on date